Can't use “-” or “(” at beginning of sound names. - Sounds must have a name. Sound name: sfil Remove the sound named ; unknown ( Save game as: icl4 ICN# APPL Save Application as: Stop New;Open…;Save as…;Stop Empty Shapes 12 8 4 2 ? Use as splash window OK : 1000 Card: Go to Clipboard PICT PNTG CSCR SCRN EPSF PNTGPICTEPSFSCRNCSCR Revert to last saved version of , åGamÅGML Save document as: [v1.0] 0.98 1.0 ågmråGam Can't get a needed resource. -3 -2 -1 1 NONE SELECTED Next >> Begin Game Open Game… - Card ågmr åGam Creating Application… splash BNDL FREF ???????? Gam & NONE < > Fill Border Height Width A sound with that name already exists. Help Printing Registration… Register… Create Application…/K Run Card… Run/R Run Pen & Pattern…/P Eraser Spray Can Region Oval RoundRect Rectangle Line Brush Text Tools Sounds… Application Setup… Game Options… Card Info…/I Go to Card…/5 Last Card/4 Next/3 Previous/2 First Card/1 Go Show Clipboard Select All/A Clear Paste/V Copy/C Cut/X Undo/Z Edit About GameMaker…;Help…/H Quit/Q Get Picture… Revert to Saved… Save as… Save/S Open…/O New/N File The Edit Field can't accept any more text. Can't add any more sounds to this file. System 7.0 or later is required to record sounds. Sound Manager is not available. Sound input device is busy or not available. Error getting sound. Not enough memory or invalid StartupScreen format. Can't create a temporary file. Disk may be full or locked. A newer version of GameMaker is needed to open this file. cards will be created with [v1.0] appended to the name. Cards are out of range. A file using the first Please use the Converter application to convert this document to v1.0 format. Not enough memory or no PICT resource associated with that EPS file. ) cannot be used in button, card, or application names. Quotes ( Can't access temporary file. opens card #2. lets you select a saved game. returns the game to CREATE mode. This button script can't be changed. Clicking this button in RUN mode No valid buttons. Error in Card # Invalid card name or number. . in Card # Error at Button # Card script error Quit Save as Open New About GMAKER.Temp GamA Save Untitled